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Where are we?
Foscalberto's kennel is in Altopascio, in the province of Pisa
This is our kennel
    Come to visit us is very simple
  • From Florence - take the freeway A11 to Pisa and
    leave to Altopascio-Montecarlo's toll booth (km 54
    for about 38 minutes)
  • From Pisa- to Madonna dell'acqua take
    the freeway A111 and go to Lucca, leave at
    Altopascio's toll booth ( km 39 for about
    27 minutes)
Near our kennel there are
some beautiful and interesting place ,
we suggest to visit
Montecatini Terme where you can relax
at most famous European thermal bath,
Pisa and Florence big city with a rich
cultural properties , Lucca where you can see the famous city-walls and,
Pistoia where you can observe
the older organ of the world and the beautiful cathedral